Bill and ted rufus
Bill and ted rufus


Her big punch line is that Dennis is modeled after her ex, but there's no emotional heft to it. RELATED: Bill & Ted Face the Music: All the Other Selves the Duo MeetsĮven though her mom sent the robot, there's no real conversation between her and Kelly about what Rufus would have wanted, and she doesn't even interact with his hologram or vow to make strides with his legacy. She offers the same message when she meets their daughters, Billie and Thea, waiting for their super-band, only to get killed by Dennis, the killer robot. In other words, she's time-hopping as a glorified messenger and not really partaking in the action. All she does is rock his signature shades and relay news to Bill and Ted that if they don't come up with a song in an hour or so, reality will unravel. Unfortunately, as much as fans waited for a similar moment from Kelly, it doesn't come.


In short, he's secretive and knows how to play everyone, from hero to villain. This was his most righteous way of healing the timeline and ensuring De Nomolos and the evil bots couldn't get to him. Wardroe, the lady who put the band in the LA contest that saw them unite the world decades ago. It doesn't actually happen until the end when Rufus is actually revealed to be disguised as Pam Grier's Ms. He then has a most notable moment when he uses a guitar cord to latch into the evil robots' phone booth in Bogus Journey to go meet Bill and Ted in the past. It's a film about two goofy idiots travelling through time in order to ace their oral report, it's not Citizen Kane.Rufus is slick as they come, slipping the guys clues and helping them round up historical figures across the timestream to ace a high-school exam. Don't expect to be impressed by this film's experimental artistry or examination of the human condition. It's silly and it's fun and that's really all it needed to be. I don't count BTTF in that list because there's so much more going on there than just goofy time travel teen comedy. I mean, really, this is exactly what a goofy teen comedy about time travel from the 80s would look like. This film, as far as I can tell, while dealing in stereotypes for the most part, it doesn't do so in a negative way whatsoever.


See Grown Ups 2, or any Sandler movie for that matter.


Some movies will have this same type of message shoehorned into a film full of negative gender, or racial, stereotypes and mean spirited jokes. Wouldn't surprise me if some form of hippies wrote and directed this movie. Of course this message is delivered in the most 80s way possible with the phrase 'Be excellent to each other and party on dudes' being the big point of emphasis of this theme. It also has a pretty positive message all things considered about, essentially, being kind to each other. I can't explain what that something else, but it makes it more than just your average teen comedy. But there's a certain effort and cleverness about the time travel aspect that adds something to the film. I'm not gonna say this film is the best time travel film that is out there, hell there were better time travel movies released in the same decade, Back to the Future, as if you hadn't guessed that already. This movie definitely had a bit of a rough start, but it eventually settled down into a silly and fun way to spend 90 minutes. His delivery is still wooden, but there's a little more life behind his performance. Perhaps being a goofball, which is what both Bill and Ted are, just came more naturally to him than other roles. I like Keanu a lot actually, but there's no denying that he's not a particularly good actor. Perhaps expressive isn't really even the right term to describe it, but he put in a lot more effort into this role, one that doesn't really require him to do much anyway, in comparison to some of his later roles. It's impressive to see how utterly expressive Keanu Reeves actually was in this movie. I was clearly in the mood for something goofy and silly when I picked this one.

Bill and ted rufus